Refund Policy
Last Update 09/02/2025
We stand behind our product and aim to provide the best experience. However, if you are unsatisfied, we offer refunds under the following conditions.
Full Refund (No Fee)
If the License Key Was Never Used
- A full refund will be issued if the license key was never used (no timeframe).
If the License Key Was Used (Within 7 Days of Ticket Support Assistance)
- It didn’t work on your device because it’s incompatible.
- It was compatible but didn’t function correctly, and no fix was found after troubleshooting.
- The key was never transferred to another device.
Full Refund with Processing Fee
We dedicate time and resources to providing support and troubleshooting for every customer. If a customer requests support but refuses to follow staff instructions or cooperate, a processing fee applies before issuing a refund. This fee compensates for the time spent assisting with troubleshooting, diagnosing issues, and providing solutions.
A refund with a fee applies if:
- You asked for support but didn’t follow staff instructions or refused to cooperate before requesting a refund. This applies only to instructions given directly by staff during support, not general instructions provided with the license key.
Processing Fee Rates:
- $19 (Lifetime): $5 – $7
- $49 (Lifetime Plus): $10 – $15
Refund Policy Terms
By purchasing our product(s), you agree to this refund policy and waive any rights to dispute it through questions, judgment, or legal actions.
- Refund requests made after 7 days of key usage with no issues or complaints will not be accepted.
- This policy applies only to purchases made directly on our website. It does not affect reseller refund policies.
Payment Processing Time
Our refund policy applies to all payments, including Crypto and Credit Card.
Crypto Payments:
- Once a refund is approved, funds will be sent to your wallet within 5-10 minutes.
- We will confirm the transaction in your support ticket before closing it.
Credit Card Payments:
- Refunds will appear on your bank statement within 5-10 business days, depending on your bank’s processing time.
Refund Policy Updates
We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time. We recommend reviewing this page frequently. If material changes are made, we may notify you via our website, Telegram, email, or any method we determine at our sole discretion.
- The last updated date at the top of this page reflects when changes take effect.
- Any modifications replace all prior refund policies.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding this refund policy, please visit our discord server and open a ticket.